Facilities Management

You work to strict to budgets and service level agreements that you want to stick to. Your clients rely on you to keep their operations running smoothly, but engineers are expensive. How can you be sure that you’ve done everything to make sure the resources you have are deployed as effectively as possible?

Until now it was a matter of stress, guesswork and good judgement - our AI technology removes the stress and guesses, while still leaving room for good judgement when required. Route10 works with your existing systems so you can show that you have done everything possible to maximise efficiency, and save up to 10% of fleet costs, when compared to traditional technology solutions.


Your end users rely on you to keep water running, electricity flowing, gas safe and roads clear. Your shareholders and bosses rely on you to do that in the most economical way you can. Your engineers are costly, and your ongoing workload is significant. You need to make sure that you respond to incidents quickly and that you do it in the most economical way possible.

Our AI platform integrates with your existing management and operations systems to ensure that you are using engineers in the most effective and efficient manner. Our system allows you to prioritise any business metric, so your fleet is automatically managed within the KPIs and OKRs that you have set.

Public sector

Nowhere is efficient use of resource more important that in the blue lights and wider public sector. Every day lives and quality of life depend on your resources and decision making - but budgets are tight and public expectations are high.

Our unique AI system for dynamic resource deployment is ideally suited to this environment. Because we work with existing systems and operating procedures, we can act as the ‘second brain’ for dispatchers, augmenting their experience and judgement with key information on exactly what resources can be deployed, when and where, and ensuring that duplicate or unnecessary journeys are avoided entirely.

Other sectors

We can save costs, improve service and boost green credentials in any sector which requires large fleets of commercial vehicles. Other sectors where we can add value include roadside recovery, emergency home repairs, roadside assistance and home delivery.

Route10 technology is the ideal solution to support the transition to battery electric vehicles (BEVs) across all kinds of commercial vehicle fleets. While commercial BEV use is currently economical on urban and local routes, the real time allocation and simulation technology in Route10 can ensure economical BEV operation on a much greater proportion of routes, giving access to the reduced costs and ESG benefits offered by these vehicles.